Thursday, May 27, 2010


Bila cakap je pasal kolestrol, mesti kita akan kaitkan dgn makanan. Btul tk? Mesti ar. Klau bukn sbb mknn yg kite mkn, tkkn ade la kolestrol dlm tubuh kite. Mknn boleh jadikn kite gemuk.. kulit muka berminyak.. dn penyakit pn mulalah dtg. Haa, mase ni lah dtgnye peranan buah hati kite utk kontrol segala pemakanan kite. Mane tk nye, klau dh gemuk sket, dh tk cantek, ugut je lah nk tnggl awek tuh. Haha, nnti die gerenti diet punye. Ni utk kebaikan korg smue jgk kn. Gemuk = penyakit. Fikir2kan lah. Korg klau nk jaga awek, nk jaga pakwe, pemakanan kene jage. Jgn lah jdi obese sgt. Penampilan smue kene jage. Baru pakwe dn awek korg syg kt korg. So sape2 yg rase dirinya chubby / mempunyai mslh kecantikan, sila baca tips2 ini ya. hehe.

Tips utk jdi anggun!( Boys n girls) :

1. Klau korg ade mslh ngn berat bdn, korg kene byk exercise. Tk semestinye kene pegi jogging kt taman. Korg exercise kt kwsn rumah pn dh okey tau. Jogging setempat, buat aktiviti warming up tubuh korg. Korg pn bleh main badminton tau. Nnti boleh kuruskn lengan, slow2, kaki pn jadi slim. Hehe. Utk girls, skipping adalah salah satu cara yg paling cpt utk bakar lemak korg. Mudah je.. dn skipping memang seronok!!

2. Elakkan mkn nasi berlebihan. Mkn nasi sekali sehari pn dh ckup. Pilihlah waktu mane yg korg rase sesuai utk tetapkn wktu korg mkn nasi. Sekali je tau. Time lain, mkn la mi sup ke, roti ke , biskut ke...pun boleh!! Kurangkn kuantiti mknn yg korg ambik. Contohnye if mknn berat cam nasi, mkn tu jgn kasi penuh sepinggan. Isy, letak lebih separuh sikit je. Jgn byk2. Ni melantak mcm gergasi, patutlah tubuh korg besar. aduih.. Breakfast dgn bijirin atau kuih2 je tau. Jgn mkn mknn berat utk breakfast.

3. Pemakanan sgt penting utk jaga kulit muka. Utk korg yg kulit sensitif, jgn mkn mknn berminyak mcm kentang goreng, kacang tanah, any mknn yg bergoreng secara berlebihan. Sbb benda ni smue akn buatkn jerawat naik kt muka korg. Nnti kulit muka korg akn kusam. One more thing, jgn tido lewat. especially perempuan. Kulit nnti cepat kedut dn tk bermaya tau. Kpd yg nk diet, mlm2 korg mkn la sayur2 semangkuk besar. Pastu mkn buah. Gerenti tk lapar.. Jgn amalkn minum susu klu nk diet. Nnti jadi makin gendut maa.

4. Pastikn korg lap muka korg dgn towel kecik each time korg rase berpeluh kt muka. Bhya tau, nnti peluh tu lah yg akn buatkn muka korg berjerawat,berminyak akibat mknn yg tk sihat. hehe. Utk girls, beli lah losyen pape pn utk membantu korg kempiskn perut or bhgian2 body yg lain. Tk salah mencuba. Jgn mkn pil diet sudah.. huhu.

5. one more thing, kuku kene jage. Jgn lah kuku tue smpai jadik wrna hitam. Isy, tk lalu den tgk. Kebersihan sgt penting especially bile korg ngn awek, ngn pakwe. Jgn jadikn pasangan korg geli dgn korg. hehe. Bau mulut pn kene jage. Ye lah, bile nk mkn, byk aspek yg perlu titik berat terutamanye kebersihan Tul tk?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Sorry guys.. Kali ni title masih berkisarkn cinta. Tpi this time, nk sentuh psl isu cintakan Islam sikit. Jgnlah kita hanye Islam pd nama. Ape yg I nk share kali ni ialah conversation chatting i dgn seorang muallaf dari Australia yg merupakn guru bahasa Inggeris I sendiri. Die baru beberape bulan kt Malaysia. Kami mmg dh lame kenal. Tpi mlm tu, kiteorg chat melalui internet. Dri perbualan tue lah, I sedar, betapa lemahnye kite sbgai umat Islam.. Hrp2 korg bacelah elok2 perbualan ni. Kaji dn dalami maksudnye. Dn renung2kanlah.. ME dalam chatting di bwh merujuk pd diri I sndiri. dan English merujuk kpd dat English man yg sudah pn bergelar Muslim. SILA BACA.


oh thats cool.. i also like to speak to foreigners.. so dat i cud improve my english.. and then i cud learn other's cultures.

its my dream to go to spain ..




but i dunno if it will come true



yes and marry a spanish guy

ha ha


haha...hope so. but no matter what.. the people from our own race is still the one in our heart



welkl i think its good to mix cultures n races

everyone the same inside

well if u want to practice come to our classes ha ha


yeah it's true.. but when the different cultures mix.. especially between different religions.. they cud hardly accept Islam's culture.. so they dump the muslim they got married to finally


i think mainly as islam is misunderstood

mm plus muslims sometimes dont respect others


yeah..sometimes.. but i dunno how to fix this.. i mean.. dunno how to make other muslims improve themselves


i had lots of negative things when i first came


oh..can u tell me ur experience?

i really wanna know..


well as i am a convert

they think im not serious

or i will never understand as i wasnt born a muslim

always say i know nothing

i think my knowledge is better than the people who criticise me

but i dont say anything

they are just ignorant and uneducasted

god knows the truth and i couldnt care what people say n think


u know what... my father always tell me about this

he tells me about how muslims act badly.. like what they did to u now.

hurmm dun care bout them.

this is how they act..and they dun realize dat this is their mistake

this is far way different from what Muhammad prophet taught us



i dont mean to be rude

but i think people here cant tell the difference between culture and religion


yup..they mix the culture together with the religion.. and that makes them confuse themselves.


people tell me that idont wear a sarong to the mosque my prayers wont be counted

well look at gossiping

everyone does it here so bad

its forbidden in islam

so many things


oh god.. only certain people said dat.. bother them.. they are sucks


but i just smile back

one guy pissed me off so bad , i was going to ask him if i could read his quran as it must be different to mine

but i cant be rude

but get this all the time here

the first month was so frustrating

but now i just smile and laugh it off


u know what..sometimes i fight with other muslims.. they are just like wat u said.

they are so closed minded

and dun wan to accept other opinions


can i ask 2 things




why do muslim women here wear white but in saudi is black?


white reflects the purity of Islam.. and the high dignity

im not sure about why saudi use black.

but i think..its just about culture again




women actually tell foreigners here that unless they wear white

they can not pray in the mosque

but here in saudi, them imam wear black , but the prophet wore white and arabs all wear white

is strange for me

the other is why after doa do malaysians wipe their faces ?

when i read the haddiths the prophet didnt do it

i read that people use to do it as the mosques and ground was really dirty back then (BACK THEN = MASA LAMPAU)

and would have dirt n dust on your face

it was done at the end to clean your face

but seems people do it every time they pray here


ohh really? im so sad dat i dunno about dat..



not sure if its true or not


i will ask my dad later on

becuz he likes reading haddith



ha ha dont be sad




well i just think reverts learn more than born muslims

but pls ask ur dad for me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Memang dh adat bercinta; manis mulut itu satu kemestian. Lelaki, perempuan same je. Tp korg mesti ingt, kdg2 manis mulut ni tk elok. Tpi kdg2 manis mulut itu perlu utk menjaga hati pasangan korg supaya diorg tuh akn bahagia. Doing it for a good purpose is fine. Tp kebiasaannye, kebolehan bermanis mulut ni, of course la give it to kaum Adam. Korg ni mmg terror bab2 manis mulut ni. Ye tk? Kengkadang ape yg kluar dri mulut korg tu, ikhlas. Tp ade jgk yg sengaja dibuat2 . Korg sendiri mesti ade reasons korg masing2 kenape korg manis mulut ngn awek,. Kn?


1. Ade laki yg sgt2 manis mulut. Laki yg manis mulut ni plak ade 2 kategori. Kategori pertama is kategori BAHAYA. Lelaki dlm kategori ni terlalu manis mulut dlm semua aspek. Ape je yg awek die pakai die akn kata cantik. Bukan stakat tue je, bahkan bende2 yg tk perlu die puji, ditokok tambahnye smpai awek die pn dh syok sendiri. Adui. Padahal dlm hati die, awek die tu mmg perasan lawa sedangkn tuan tk lawa. Masya Allah. Ade jgk yg kutuk2 awek dlm hati. Isy2x.. Kategori kedua lelaki manis mulut ialah kategori yg BEST. Sbb ape ? Sbb.. ape yg die puji ialah apa yg lahir dari hati die. Dlm hati die, awek die mmg cun, mmg best.Tp biasenye la, girls yg cantik tk akn mengaku die tu cantik.

2. Haa..ade jgk guys yg manis mulut walaupun die tgk awek die biase2 je. Or maybe tk cantik. Tapi, disebabkn rase syg die yg melampau2 kt awek die, die tk mo la sakiti awek die. So stiap kali awek die tnye, die akn bermanis mulut. Just utk buat awek die lupe yg die tu tk secantik mane. Supaya awek die tau yg masih ade org yg menghargai kecantikan dalaman awek die tuh . I salute laki mcm nie. However, keburukan benda ni pun ade actually. Sbb kdg2 girls yg tk sedar diri mungkin akn perasan lebih2 plak sbb bagi die, mmg die cantik dats why bf die puji2. Huh. So, jgn puji lebih2 oke.

Dlm arus yg moden nie, I betul2 sakit hati dgn guys yg tk tahu menghargai awek diorg. Guys yg mcm ni sentiasa bisu dlm semua persoalan. Tk pernah pun terdetik di hati diorg nk puji awek diorg. Tk tahu lah ape yg ade dlm hati diorg. Ntah ape anggapan diorg mengenai awek diorg. Hey guys, korg tahu tk, if korg berperangai mcm nie, girls akn sentiasa rase rendah diri bile stay ngn korg. Sbb die akn trtanye2.. ' Tk cantik sgt ke aku ni smpai bf aku tk penah pn puji aku.' Korg tk kesian kt awek korg? Hurm... biarlah terkeluar satu pujian at least dri mulut korg. Pujilah pape pn. Tpi jgn melebih2. Klau korg trlalu pasif tentang manis mulut, lame2 hubungn korg tk kn dpt thn lame. Klau bertahan pun, ia akn jdi satu hubungn yg memboringkan. Trust me.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Huhu... cam pelikk je title entry kali nie kn? Tapi itulah hakikatnye. Korg tahu ke ape erti Centimeter dlm cinta? centimeter d cnie bererti ketinggian.. Kite ni byk saiz betul tk? Ada yg tinggi, ade yg pendek. Ade yg sederhana. Mcm2 la. Kan ? Bila dh jatuh cinta, galah lawan ngn mancis pn jadik lah.. Haha. Kdg2, dlm hal ni, lelaki yg paling risau. Sbb klau lelaki tu rendah, susah sket nk cari couple. So guys,korg yg tk brape tinggi ni, kene cari yg separas or lebih rendah dri korg.

Tips for both guyz n girlz:

1. Utk girl yg rendah sesangat : Korg jgn risau tau. Korg tk nmpk pelik di mata guys. Bahkn, ada laki2 yg suke sgt cari pmpuan yg tiny n cute ni tau. Tk tahu lah kenape. Korg kene tnye diorg lah eh. Hehe. Cume utk girls yg rendah sgt2, korg kene maintain body korg. Jgn mkn byk sgt, mesti diet. Mesti! Sbb bile tubuh kite agak short, mkn byk sikit pn dh bleh jadi gempal, ..gendut. Isy, tk comel lah nanti. Kurus sgt pn tk leh gak. At least, body mesti ade shape sikit. Not too fat, not too thin. Slimmmm jek.. Beres?

2.Utk guy yg rendah sesangat : Utk kategori korg nie, mmg it is quite hard utk cari pasangan. KECUALI korg mempunyai pakej yg tersangat2222 sukar utk ditolak. Bila dh ketinggian korg bukn lagi satu pakej, so korg kene cari satu kelainan. Korg kene jaga penampilan. Muka kene jaga, jgn kasi byk jerawat sgt. Mesti kemas. Dn of course jgn wat prangai pelik2. Be a gud guy okeyh. Yg penting, education is No.1

3. Utk girl yg sederhana : Korg sentiasa nmpk cantik tau bile dh ade ketinggian yg sederhana. Tapi kengkadang, ade jgk yg cm tk sesuai sbb die maybe trlalu berisi or trlalu kurus. Utk yg sederhana ni actually tk perlu risau sgt. Sbb die nk cari guy pn mudah dn attract guy pn mudah tapi brgantung plak pade rupa paras dn pakej yg die ade. Itu atas kadar cpt dpt bf or lmbt dpt. hehe.

4.Utk guy yg sederhana : Korg tk perlu kerja kuat sgt utk tackLe girls tau tk. Sbb paras ketinggian korg dh normal. Tapi maybe korg kene compete sikit ngn guys yg tinggi2 . Sbb ni mmg idaman smue perempuan. Tapi its okay . Korg just perlu petik jari je. Gerenti dpt nyerr.. haha

5.Utk girl yg tinggi : Haa..kdg2 tinggi ni satu kelebihan. Kdg2 tinggi ni jgk satu kekurangan. Kite dpt tgk girls kt Asia nie.. klau yg shape mcm model tue mmg lawa. Tapi klau just tinggi, but body tk cantik, itu dh jadi satu kekurangan sikit. So ape yg korg perlu buat is exercise. Ade jgk yg body shape tk lawa, so bleh beli lotion yg body shaping tue. Biasenyer berkesan tau.. Emm, girls yg tinggi2 nie , korg always kene pandang guys yg tnggi je kn? Susah... tapi hakikatnye.. kadang2 korg tersangkut ngn mamat2 yg rendah ni jek. Haha.. Tk kisah la asalkn korg nmpk bhgia. Tpi lebih sesuai if korg cari yg same tinggi. So dat akn nmpk lebih sweet.

6.Utk guy yg tinggi : Korg dh ade satu pakej yg sgt menarik. Iaitu : tinggi! So, bile dh tinggi, jgn la kurus sgt bang, tk lawa. Nnti nmpk cam galah. Kasi tubuh nmpk cm model sket, fuh. Biar tough sket. Korg mmg dh jadi tumpuan girls tau. Biasenyer la mmg girls mudah trtarik pd lelaki yg tinggi. Ape lgi klau muka hensem. Huhuh. Tpi jgn perasan dlu! wakaka.